One of the questions I'm asked all the time, was "why did you start making soap?". Sometimes I would love to give a very profound answer that would leave people speechless. But alas!!! This dame hath none such reply. I had already had baby # 1 and had dreamed about the day he would go to school. I would drop him off and re-enter the work scene, aka grown up life, that would allow me to have conversations that would not include words like potty, binky, sippy cup and Mr. Bear. I can see God now, pointing and laughing and saying: "Ha ha. That's what you think!!" For before that much anticipated school day came, I had baby #2.
Here I was with this little tiny, crying, dependent pink ball with peach fuzz on his head - knowing that it would be another five years at least before any dreams of working outside the home would be realized. During this time, my skin was breaking out majorly and I had tried everything on the market. Hubby said: "I think it's stress!" YA THINK?!?!?
I was flipping through a crafting booklet one evening and came across an article on soap making. Whowoulddathunkit? It had never occurred to me that I, ME...yes ME...could make my own soap. I couldn't wait till morning and ran over to my local craft store and bought some over-priced soap making junk. I remember my first bar....ugly as sin...but it smelled good and bubbled and that was the beginning.
Through the years, I've researched ingredients and discovered the good, the bad and the ugly. I started with just glycerin soap, but soon learned how to make lotions, old-fashioned soap, wax tarts, candles, lotion bars, linen & room sprays, body sprays.... and much more all from scratch!!! It's been an adventure the last 7 years and I've loved every minute of it!!!